
Overview of Digital Marketing Robots

Welcome to the comprehensive documentation for Digital Marketing Robots. This section provides an overview of the platform, its purpose, and the value it offers to digital marketers. You will gain insights into the key features and benefits of Digital Marketing Robots, as well as the target audience for this documentation.

  • Key Features and Benefits:
    • Automated Social Media Posting
    • Lead Generation and Management
    • Performance Analytics and Reporting
    • Customizable Campaign Templates
  • Target Audience:

    This documentation is designed for digital marketers, social media managers, and business owners who want to streamline their marketing efforts and achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in their digital campaigns.

  • Published: 15 July 2023
  • Last Updated: 20 August 2023

Getting Started

Before getting started with Digital Marketing Robots, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows

When you unzip the downloaded package, you will find the following files and folders:

  • '_Robots' folder containing the following robots:
    • email_address_verifier.exe - Email Address Verifier
    • email_robot.exe - Email Robot
    • facebook_robot.exe - Facebook Robot
    • google_robot.exe - Google Robot
    • json_to_excel_converter.exe - JSON to Excel Converter
    • linkedin_connection_robot.exe - LinkedIn Connection Robot
    • linkedin_robot.exe - LinkedIn Robot
    • sms_robot.exe - SMS Robot
    • whatsapp_group_robot.exe - WhatsApp Group Robot
    • whatsapp_robot.exe - WhatsApp Robot
    • whatsapp_scraper.exe - WhatsApp Scraper
  • 'Configurations' folder containing:
    • user.txt - file for the license key
  • Drivers - folder for necessary drivers
  • Projects - folder for project data

Installation Guide

Follow these steps to set up Digital Marketing Robots:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package and locate the '_Robots' folder containing all the robots, as well as the 'Configurations' folder with essential files and folders.
  2. Ensure that the 'user.txt' file in the 'Configurations' folder contains your license key.
  3. Upload the necessary files and folders to your Windows operating system.

Account Setup

For email marketing, use the online tool on '' to upload extracted emails as contacts, compose messages, and send campaigns.

User Interface

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard on the website displays the usage count for each robot, as well as the total usage count. Additionally, it includes an email marketing tool for managing email marketing campaigns.

Customization Options

The user interface of the robots and the email marketing tool offers customization options to tailor the user experience. Users can customize the appearance, layout, and settings to suit their preferences, providing a personalized and efficient working environment.


The robots easily integrate with various social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp using Chrome driver for automation. This integration allows you to automate posting, messaging, and other social media marketing activities on these platforms, streamlining your marketing efforts and saving time.

Furthermore, the robots support the import of VCF (vCard) files from your phone contacts, enabling you to easily bring in contact information from your mobile device for use in marketing campaigns or other activities. Additionally, the robots allow you to export data in Excel format, providing a convenient way to analyze and share data with other tools or team members.


Our robots offer a wide range of customization options to enhance your automation experience. For example, the Facebook, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp robots allow you to set the account to use for specific projects. This ensures that your automated tasks are executed with the right account credentials and preferences.

Moreover, some robots equipped with messaging features, such as the LinkedIn, Facebook, SMS, WhatsApp, and email marketing robots, provide advanced options for personalizing the messages you send. You can construct your messages using placeholders like '[name]' or any key from the dictionary of data you possess. These placeholders are dynamically replaced with the corresponding data for each recipient, making each message feel more personal and engaging. For instance, a template like '[greet] [name], how are you doing, let's meet on [date]' will be customized for each user with appropriate greetings, names, and dates.

In addition to personalization, our robots support conditional logic in message construction. This allows you to include or exclude certain parts of the message based on the availability of data. For example, the syntax '< >[name]< >' ensures that the recipient's name is only included in the message if it is available; otherwise, it is skipped. This feature helps in crafting messages that are relevant and complete, even when some data points are missing.

Here's an example of a sample personalized message with conditional logic:

[greet] [name],

My name is Samuelson, and I'm reaching out with the hope of establishing a friendly connection with you.

<<IF address and not empty address>>It's great to know that you are located at [address].<<IF>>
<<IF industry and not empty industry>>I understand that you are involved in the [industry] sector, which is quite fascinating.<<IF>>
<<IF position and not empty position>>Holding the role of [position], you must have a wealth of experience and insights into the industry.<<IF>>
<<IF phone and not empty phone>>Should you be open to a conversation, I'd be delighted to call you at [phone].<<IF>>
<<IF website and not empty website>>Meanwhile, I'll take the liberty to learn more about what you do by visiting your website at [website].<<IF>>
<<IF rating and not empty rating>>Your impressive rating of [rating] stars speaks volumes about the quality of your work.<<IF>>
<<IF review_count and not empty review_count>>With [review_count] reviews, it's clear that your services are well-regarded.<<IF>>
<<IF bio and not empty bio >>[bio]<<IF>>
<<IF social and not empty social>>I've also noticed you have a presence on social media, and I'll be sure to connect with you on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.<<IF>>
<<IF m_industry and not empty m_industry>>It's also notable that you specialize in [m_industry], which is an area of great interest to me.<<IF>>
<<IF phone_original and not empty phone_original>>I've taken note of your contact number as [phone_original] for my records.<<IF>>
<<IF mapdata_addr and not empty mapdata_addr>>For future reference, I've saved your location from the map data at [mapdata_addr].<<IF>>
<<IF email_list and not empty email_list>>Should email be more convenient for you, I'll reach out to [email_list].<<IF>>
I'm looking forward to the possibility of a fruitful exchange.

Warm regards, Samuelson Lagos, Nigeria [date]

Automation Workflows for Digital Marketing Robots

Empower Your Marketing Efforts: Our digital marketing robots streamline the process of creating and launching marketing campaigns across various channels. By automating these tasks, you can reach your target audience more efficiently and effectively.

Optimize Your Workflow: Discover best practices for automating your marketing processes with our digital marketing robots. Reduce manual effort, maintain consistency in your campaigns, and maximize your marketing ROI.

Drive Results with Automation: Leverage automation for A/B testing, performance analysis, and continuous optimization of your marketing strategies. Our digital marketing robots help you make data-driven decisions to improve your campaigns and achieve better outcomes.

Analytics and Reporting with Digital Marketing Robots

Unlock Insights with Data Analysis: Our digital marketing robots come equipped with powerful features for data collection and analysis. Gain valuable insights into customer behavior, campaign performance, and market trends to drive informed marketing decisions.

Tailored Reporting Options: Leverage custom reporting options offered by our robots to create detailed and actionable reports. Present your data in a way that suits your business needs, enabling you to communicate results effectively and make informed strategic decisions.

Track Performance and KPIs: Our robots provide robust capabilities to track performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Monitor the success of your marketing initiatives, identify areas for improvement, and measure the impact of your campaigns with precision.

Troubleshooting with Digital Marketing Robots

Seamless Support Experience: Our digital marketing robots are designed to provide a hassle-free experience, but if you encounter any issues, our support team is here to help. Contact us directly for personalized assistance with any challenges you may face.

Transparent Error Handling: In the event of an error, our robots display clear and informative error messages in the progress reporting. This helps you quickly identify and understand any issues that may arise during your marketing activities.

Common Issues and Solutions: While our robots are built to be reliable, some common issues, such as poor network connectivity, may occur. Our documentation provides guidance on troubleshooting these issues, empowering you to overcome challenges effectively.

Security and Compliance with Digital Marketing Robots

Robust Data Protection: Our digital marketing robots implement stringent data protection measures to safeguard your information. We prioritize the security and privacy of your data, ensuring that it remains secure throughout its lifecycle.

GDPR and Privacy Compliance: Our robots are designed with GDPR and privacy regulations in mind, providing assurance that your marketing activities align with legal requirements and respect user privacy. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy compliance.

Security Best Practices: We prioritize security by implementing industry-leading best practices to secure our robots. This includes using secure coding practices, secure libraries and frameworks, secure databases, robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, secure protocols, and regular security testing to ensure the integrity of our systems.


A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on a particular topic.

The Digital Marketing Robots offer features such as social media automation, email marketing, SEO analysis, and continuous optimization, empowering businesses to enhance their digital marketing efforts effectively.
The Digital Marketing Robots automate social media posting, engagement, and analytics, enabling businesses to maintain an active social media presence and analyze the performance of their campaigns.
Yes, the Digital Marketing Robots provide tools for email list management, campaign automation, and performance tracking, allowing businesses to run effective email marketing campaigns.
The SEO analysis feature provides insights into website performance, keyword rankings, and backlink profiles, helping businesses optimize their websites for better search engine visibility.
Yes, the Digital Marketing Robots offer content creation tools and scheduling capabilities, allowing businesses to plan and automate their content publishing across various platforms.
Yes, the Digital Marketing Robots come with comprehensive support options, including documentation, tutorials, and customer service, to assist with troubleshooting and resolving any issues effectively.
The data analysis feature provides valuable insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and ROI, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies effectively.
Yes, the Digital Marketing Robots offer customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the tools and features to align with their specific marketing objectives and operational requirements.
The continuous optimization feature uses real-time data and analytics to refine marketing strategies, improve ad performance, and enhance audience targeting, ensuring that businesses achieve optimal results from their campaigns.
Businesses can leverage the robots' powerful data analysis capabilities to gain insights into customer behavior, campaign performance, and market trends. Additionally, the robots' features can be utilized for effective troubleshooting and issue resolution, ensuring seamless operations and optimal results.

Source & Credits

AI and Language Models:

  • GPT-3.5 by OpenAI
  • Hugging Face
  • Google BERT

Programming and Development:

  • Python
  • CSS
  • WebDriver Selenium
  • Google Chrome

Other Tools and Technologies:

  • Various open-source libraries and frameworks
  • Web scraping tools
  • Cloud computing platforms
  • Version control systems
  • And many more...


We provide Basic Support for:
  • Responding to questions or problems regarding the robots and it's features.
  • Fixing bugs and reported issues.
  • Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software.
Our Basic support doesn't but Premium Support includes:
  • Customization and installation services.
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins.
Contact Us


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Version 1.0

Initial Release


Automated Social Media Posting
The automated scheduling and publishing of social media content across various platforms using digital marketing robots.
Lead Generation and Management
The practice of identifying and attracting potential customers and managing interactions with them throughout the sales process, facilitated by digital marketing robots.
Performance Analytics and Reporting
The collection, analysis, and presentation of data related to marketing activities to evaluate performance and inform decision-making, supported by digital marketing robots.
Customizable Campaign Templates
Pre-built structures for marketing campaigns that can be personalized and adapted to specific marketing goals using digital marketing robots.
User Interface (UI)
The point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device, encompassing everything designed into a given device with which a person may interact.
Chrome Driver
A tool that enables automation of web interactions within the Chrome browser, utilized for seamless integration with various social media platforms by the digital marketing robots.
VCF (vCard) Files
A standard file format for electronic business cards, used for importing contact information into the digital marketing robots from mobile devices.
Conditional Logic
The ability to include or exclude certain parts of a message or process based on specified conditions, a feature utilized in message construction by the digital marketing robots.
Data Protection Measures
Security measures implemented to safeguard information and ensure the privacy and integrity of data, a priority for the digital marketing robots.